+243 830 002 256 contact@holops.com


We use the systems approach along the mnemonic “MBPR”, with our own twist, briefly explained as follows:

M— Multiple perspectives; cross-referencing of stakeholder perspectives with the principles of ethics (Utility, Rights/Duties, Fairness and Caring), organizational cybernetics (Regulation and control), and the relevant science and technology (Technical perspective).

B — Boundaries, careful consideration of which of the stakeholders whose views are to be included or not, on the one hand, and, on the other, strive to treat them all ethically in terms of process and results.

P — Process thinking; carefully designed processes based on human initiative/creativity mixed with technology. Only a limited number of simple rules that define what is necessary and safe, within the fixed limits (Possibility), since with their usual complexity, life circumstances rarely lend themselves to reliable predictions.

R — Relationships; accounting for and management of vertical and horizontal relationships outside and within the system of concern.